After the first few editions of Abolition News in 2024, my mother had heart surgery and recovery. Then my father spent four months in three different hospitals (each one more specialized), and after his recovery I had a baby. Life has slowed down a bit now, praise God, so I am going to try to keep up with this through legislative sessions.
Abolition Bills Filed in Four States
Abolition bills have been filed in Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and for the first time ever, North Dakota
February 19th – Abolish Abortion Missouri Rally from 1:00-3:00pm local time in the Capitol Rotunda.
February 19th – Abolish Abortion TX Rally for Equal Protection at 11:00 local time at the State Capitol in Austin. You can RSVP here. Activism at UT Austin will also take place on this day. More information can be found at
I apologize for the delay in this edition. Our household was sick for over a month total, but we are finally on the mend. Here’s the news…
Abolition Bill Filed in Colorado
According to the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, State Representative Scott Bottoms filed House Bill 24-1224, also titled, “Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child”. It was assigned to the State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs committee and was given a hearing on March 4th where the committee voted to postpone the bill indefinitely.
Abolition Headlines
Alabama Supreme Court ruled embryo’s are human, then pass pro-abortion law protecting IVF. You can read more here, here, and here.
Abolitionists Rising is now the most viewed anti-abortion channel on YouTube, passing Live Action.
Abolish Abortion Missouri is asking this video about Committee Chair Mary Coleman be shared with anyone you know in Missouri about how she is refusing to give their abolition bill a hearing.
End Abortion Now in partnership with G3 Ministries is hosting an event called, “Defending the Pre-born” for Christians on April 11th from 11:30-2:30pm. The event will be held at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. You can register here.
Abolitionists Rising has posted seven new vidoes on their YouTube channel:
July 20th – Life Bristol one day conference with Bradley Pierce at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, TN from 10:00-4:00pm. You can register here.
Like many of you, I have seen the pro-life headlines about babies being saved since Roe’s reversal, but then I look deeper into the studies and they are simply not what they claim. For example, one headline claimed 32,000 babies had been saved since Roe’s reversal. I researched and this headline is misleading. When reading the report, I discovered it only contained research concerning birth rate percentages. The study also admits the largest birth rate increase was among Hispanic women, which are the least likely demographic to abort their children.
Louisiana Right to Life released an article stating 1,652 babies had been saved in their state, but that is misleading too. The numbers they used were based on reported abortions inside the formal healthcare system. It did not count those outside the formal healthcare system. After Roe was overturned, Louisiana became the number one state for online abortion pill orders according to Aid Access. There were 1,455 requests in the same time frame as these supposed “saves”, from only one site (and there are 23 that I know of who send pills).
The Truth About Abortion Numbers
The first thing to realize is that abortion numbers either come from pro-life or pro-abortion sources. There is no unbiased source to find these numbers. I believe Guttmacher Institute, although they are a pro-abortion research group, has the most reliable data for abortion numbers and estimates because of the extra work they do to ensure their numbers and estimates are accurate.
According to Guttmacher’s latest report regarding abortion estimates through November of 2023, reported abortions within the formal healthcare system were 952,600. For December, let’s assume the estimate is 80,600 (which is what they were in December 2022). That gives a total of 1,003,200 abortions for 2023. According to historical data from Guttmacher, abortions within the healthcare system have not been over one million since 2010.
Not only are abortions increasing within the formal healthcare system, but more women are pursuing abortions outside the formal healthcare system. According to Aid Access, the largest online provider of chemical abortion pills, before Roe’s reversal they received 82 pill requests from the USA per day. After Dobbs and continuing, it rose to an average of 254 pill requests per day from just one pill provider.
Why Truth Matters
I heard a pro-life figure this week that “tens of thousands” of lives had been saved since the overturning of Roe, but no study or research I did support this statement.
Why does being truthful matter? Because our neighbors in the womb are being murdered every day and they have no voice. Spreading misinformation does nothing to help them. So here is the truth:
Tens of thousands of lives have not been saved since Roe was overturned.
Abortion is legal for pregnant women in all 50 states and in 27 of those states because of pro-life laws.
For those reasons and more I repented of my pro-life compromise and became and abolitionist. If you would like to learn more about the abolition movement, please click here.
One question I am asked quite often by those new to the abolition movement is where can they purchase gear? I thought putting it all in one post would be easier to send to those asking, so here we go!
As I am sure everyone reading this knows, John Barros met his beloved Savior face to face on February 15, 2024, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. John served outside Orlando Women’s Clinic as an evangelist for 20 years fulfilling the command of Proverbs 24:11. It is estimated God used his faithful service to save over 3,000 children from death. A funeral service will be held at 1:00pm on Tuesday, March 5th, at St. Andrews Chapel in Sanford, FL.
Pro-Life Committee Chair, Steven Holt, Kills Iowa Abolition Bill
Pro-life committee Chair Steven Holt ensured legal abortion will remain alive and well in Iowa as he refused to assign HF2256 to a subcommittee before the deadline. In a string of unhinged Facebook posts, he railed against the bill saying, “It should also be noted that HF2256 would allow mothers who abort their children to be prosecuted and jailed. This is something that no credible person in the pro-life community believes is acceptable, would never pass in Iowa and I will not advance such a concept.” In another post he called wanting equal protection for children in the womb a “disastrous approach”, which Satan would certainly agree with. This story was covered here and here.
Joe Pojman, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, has been going after David Lowe, Candidate for District 91 in Texas, for his equal protection stance. After becoming aware of this situation, I donated to David’s campaign, which you can do so as well here.
On February 4th, Heritage Tulsa hosted an evening event called “Why Abolition Matters” with messages from Brandon Scalf and James Silberman. A recording of the event can be found here.
Iowa Abolition Bill Filed, Pastors Meeting Announced
It is a very exciting time in Iowa! Iowa Pastors hosted A Call for Equal Protection at the state capitol on January 31st. The next day, State Representative and Abolitionist Legislator Zach Dieken introduced HF2256 to abolish abortion in the Hawkeye State. According to Abolitionists Rising, “The bill has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Rep. Steven Holt, who has full authority over the bill’s fate. In Iowa, committee chairs create subcommittees to consider each bill assigned to the committee who then recommend bills for passage to the whole committee. If a committee chair does not want a bill to pass, he can simply deny it a subcommittee hearing.” Iowa Abolitionists are asking everyone to email Rep. Steve Holt at and let him know HF2256 needs a subcommittee hearing. There will also be an Iowa’s Pastor and Church Leadership Meeting at Calvary Chapel in Des Moines on February 9th from 6:00-8:00pm local time.
Foundation to Abolish Abortion Publishes New Report
The Foundation to Abolish Abortion published a new report titled, “Babies Unprotected: An Analysis of Self-Managed Abortion Numbers in States with ‘Bans‘”. According to their website, the report “offers analysis of the available data on the numbers of self-managed abortions occurring in states with “bans”, and the data is clear. Because no states’ laws are considered to prohibit self-managed abortion, babies in all 50 states remain essentially unprotected from abortion.” The Sentential also covered the report’s release here.
This report was providentially released the same week that the Charlotte Lozier Institute (the research arm of the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America) released a new study titled, “Pro-Life Laws Exempt Women from Prosecution: An Analysis of Abortion Statutes in 27 States“, in case you need a quick reference for how all pro-life laws keep abortion legal for pregnant women.
AIMKS Announces Capitol Rally
AIMKS has been busy lately! On January 27th they hosted a booth at the Kansas State GOP Convention and were able to have good conversations about their upcoming abolition bill. The bill will be introduced by Representative Samantha Poetter Parshall in the coming weeks and you can read the full bill here. They will be hosting an Abolish Abortion Rally at the capitol in Topeka on March 27th at 8:00am local time.
The Oklahoma GOP released a resolution calling or a Senate floor debate on three bills, including SB1729, which is the abolition bill currently in committee in Oklahoma. You can read more about the full resolution here.
February 6th –Abolition Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol at 10:00am local time.
February 9th – Iowa’s Pastor and Church Leadership Meeting at Calvary Chapel (606 E. 9th Street) in Des Moines on February 9th from 6:00-8:00pm local time.
February 21st – Abolish Abortion Missouri Rally at the Capitol from 1:00-3:00pm local time.
Knowing how hard it can be to keep up with abolition bills in each state, we created this post in order to help our fellow abolitionists stay up to date with what is happening concerning bills of equal protection.
2024 Filed Bills
Missouri SB775 Status – Filed by Senator Mike Moon. Assigned to Health and Welfare Committee on 1/19. TAKE ACTION: Senator Mary Coleman is the Chair, please contact her and demand she give the bill a hearing. You can also email her directly from her public page here.
HB1508 Final Status – Filed by Representative Bob Titus. Titus withdrew the bill after pressure from the pro-life establishment in Missouri.
Oklahoma SB1729 Status – Filed by Senator Dusty Deevers on 1/16. Has not yet been assigned to committee. TAKE ACTION:
Indiana HB1379 Status – Filed by Representative Lorissa Sweet. Referred to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Codes on 1/10. TAKE ACTION: Contact committee members and ask HB1379 be given a hearing!
Iowa HF2256 FinalStatus – Filed by Representative Zach Dieken. Referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Bill was killed after Pro-Life Committee Chair, Steve Holt, refused to assign HF2256 to subcommittee.
Colorado HB24-1224 Final Status – Filed by Representative Scott Bottoms on February 8, 2024. Bill was assigned to the House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs and was voted 8-3 to postpone indefinitely.
Abolition Bills Filed in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Indiana
The 2024 legislative session has kicked off in multiple states and so far three starts have abolition bills filed! In our last issue discussed Missouri’s abolition bill, which was prefiled in December and has now been assigned to the Health and Welfare Committee. Oklahoma Senator and Abolitionist Dusty Deevers filed SB1729 earlier this week which is also known as “The Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act.” Oklahoma’s session begins on February 2nd.
Abolition Rallies Announced in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas
Oklahoma – This years Abolition Day will take place on February 6th at 10:00 am local time at the Capitol. Participants will meet at the South Plaza for a short rally and then head inside for organized lobbying and more.
Missouri – Abolish Abortion Missouri will be hosting their Rally at the Capitol on February 21st from 1:00-3:00 local time
Kansas – Had to reschedule their rally due to weather, but have not selected a make-up date yet.
Abolition Headlines
The film Abolitionist released on January 1st and is available to view for a $4 rental fee. Abolitionist Jon Speed reviewed the film on his website as well.
The “Abortion Free” docuseries dropped episode number two which can be watched here.
Ben Zeisloft wrote an excellent post about the annual March for Life that happened this week and gave us permission to publish it as an article on our site which can be read here.
AbolitionWomen (aka Steadfastwomen who runs this site) was featured on A Word Fitly Spoken Podcast discussing abolitionism and how women can become more involved. On an unrelated note, a Pro-Life PRC director also discussed her disagreements with points I made on Conversations With a Calvinist podcast on this podcast starting at the 38-39 minute mark.
Not a Victim is continuing to fundraise for new “Things You Say To Us” literature focused on equal protection. You can donate here.
Abolish Abortion Missouri hosted a day conference in Chillicothe. A recording of the event can be found here.
Today is the #MarchForLife: one of the most significant annual demonstrations in America meant to draw attention to the abortion holocaust and the plight of the preborn. This year is the second #MarchForLife since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. But the battle to end abortion in our land is far from over. Here is why:
You may have also heard that women are “second victims” of a culture of death telling them to murder their babies, or that they are “second victims” of parents or boyfriends pressuring them to abort. There are certainly women who are in abusive situations and deserve our compassion. But we have also seen women over the past few years “shout their abortions” and take abortion pills on the steps of the Supreme Court and even on live television.
We actually infantilize women by suggesting they have no idea what they are doing when they willingly take part in abortion. Even worse, we hold them back from the grace of God and the salvation found in Christ. If they are innocent victims of abortion, how could they need forgiveness for their abortions?
3). Self-Managed Abortion is on the Rise
Because of laws which allow women to murder their babies with immunity and impunity, demand for self-managed abortion pills is on the rise. Even though surgical abortion mills may be closed, women can still order poison pills through the mail to murder their babies. Some of the states with the most rapid increases in abortion pill orders are red states like Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, where pro-life lawmakers and their lobbyist allies insist that abortion has been officially banned.
4). The Pro-Life Movement is the Problem
Elected officials and lobbying groups in the pro-life movement are actually the reason abortion remains legal for women in every red state. Every time Christians try to introduce and advance bills to abolish abortion entirely, even in states with Republican pro-life supermajorities where the abortion lobby has no power, pro-life lawmakers are always the ones who kill these bills.
5). Jesus is the Death Kneel to Abortion
Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead for men and women who have taken part in murdering preborn children. If you have participated in an abortion, repent of your sins and trust in him! Western nations submitted to Christ once abolished child sacrifice in history. Only the departure from Christ has led to the return of child sacrifice. Only by the return to Christ can we vanquish child sacrifice once more.
Thank you for reading this. Please share this with other #MarchForLife attendees. If you want to see more paradigm-shifting information about abortion and equal protection for the preborn after Roe, you should check out these resources: