Abolition News – Week of January 14-20, 2023

Founders Conference Recap

Founders Ministry celebrated their 40th Anniversary this week at their annual conference. This years theme was What is Man: Biblical Anthropology. Bradley Peirce of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion and Abolition Abortion Texas was one of the prompted speakers for the event and spoke on Image-Bearers from Conception during Session 3.

Abolitionist Dusty Deevers (Rescue Those) and Bill Ascol also spoke from the stage regarding abortion at the conference. Many educational conversations took place at the Rescue Those booth and many spoke with Bradley after his session. We offer our sincerest thanks to the Founders Conference.

Abolition Articles

Pro-lifer Nathan Apodaca (Life Training Institute) published an article this week in response to Josh Buice’s (G3) abolition article from last week. Apodaca’s article provided no scriptural support for his position and Free the States posted a response to Apodaca on their website Friday.

Also new this week is a response article to SBC President Bart Barber’s scriptureless arguments against abolitionists written by Wesley Russell of Abolish Abortion KY.

Missouri Files Abolition Bill in Both House and Senate

For the first time in Missouri history, abolition bills have been filed in both the House (HB818) and Senate (SB356). SB356 is sponsored by Republican Mike Moon. HB818 is sponsored by Bob Titus and Brad Hudson. Follow Abolish Abortion Missouri for the latest information.

Oklahoma Files Abolition Bill

Oklahoma Senator Warren Hamilton has filed SB402, an equal protection bill that would abolish abortion in Oklahoma. A rally of support for the bill is scheduled at the Oklahoma Capitol on February 7, 2023 at 10:00 am with a conference to follow at FBC Edmond at 2:00pm local time.

Pro-Abortion Headlines

NYC-Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City, announced Tuesday that the city will offer free-of-charge abortion pills at the four city-run health clinics.

Minnesota-HF 1, the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act was passed by the MN House on Thursday and will move to the Senate for a vote. According to a MN House legislative statement, “The bill enshrines protections for all reproductive health care, including but not limited to contraception, sterilization, preconception care, maternity care, abortion care, family planning and fertility services, and counseling regarding reproductive health care”

Pro-Life Headlines

Instead of introducing a bill of equal protection, 14 members of the Republican Study Committee introduced a bill to place restrictions on abortion pills. The iniquitous bill regulates abortion as healthcare by requiring a pregnant woman to see a prescriber in person instead of through a tele-health appointment.

Abolition Organization Spotlight – Rescue Those

Rescue Those exists to educate, equip, and mobilize the saints in the name of Christ and for the glory of God to rescue the pre-born being led to slaughter.

Upcoming Events

1/25 – Pastors Meeting in KY at Creation Museum at 11:00 am

2/3 – Eastern KY info meeting for Abolition Abortion KY ACT. Hindman FBC 6:00-8:00pm

2/7 – Abolition Day at OK State Capitol at 10:00am, conference following at 2:00 pm at FBC Edmond. Contact Abolish Abortion Oklahoma for more info.

2/17 – Rally at Kentucky State Capitol for abolition bill at 10:00am. Contact Abolish Abortion Kentucky for more info.

3/1-4 – Abolitionists Rising Conference, Wichita, KS.