Abolition News – Southern Baptist Convention 2023

The annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention took place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week in New Orleans, LA. We were in attendance and wanted to do a special edition of Abolition News to cover the highlights concerning abolitionism at the convention.


Abolitionists did have a resolution to submit this year, but unfortunately, due to an incorrect date listed on the resolution submission website (stating resolutions were due May 30th instead of May 29th), the resolution was not submitted in time to be considered by the resolutions committee. An effort was made to have the resolution heard and voted on. Abolitionists pastor Aaron Wright made a motion to bring the resolution to the floor, but the motion was ruled out of order.

President Election

This year there were two men running for President of the SBC. Bart Barber, who is staunchly opposed to abolition, and Mike Stone, who is supportive of abolition. Bart Barber won reelection, receiving 68% of the votes. Abolitionist Dusty Devers was nominated for 1st Vice President, but did not receive enough votes to secure the position.

Questions to SBC Leaders

On Wednesday, abolitionist (as well as any other messenger) had the opportunity to ask questions of SBC entity heads as well as Seminary Presidents. Questions are limited to three minutes, therefore, only 1-2 questions are able to be asked. After the ERLC report, abolitionist Pastor Brian Gunter was able to ask ERLC President, Brent Leatherwood, if the believed women who murder their children after they are born should be criminalized. Leatherwood refused to answer the question directly.

Abolitionist Beau Hill was able to ask Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary President, Danny Akin, his position regarding abolition. Although Dr. Akin gave a more straightforward answer than last year, he still spoke of how he is 100% pro-life.

Abolitionist pastor Richard Henry was able to ask Midwestern Baptist Seminary President, Jason Allen, his position regarding abortion abolition. Abolitionists Rising summed up the exchange well by tweeting, “Allen was more forthright than last year, but he appears to argue that women should be able to murder children with legal immunity. Allen also parrots the common but false idea that some states have outlawed abortion. Abortion is still legal for mothers in all 50 states.” It is worth nothing that in the SBC Book of Reports that is given to every messenger, the ERLC also parroted this false narrative (page 151, paragraph 5).

Abolitionist Rodney King was able to ask New Orleans Baptist Seminary President why there is a group of people allowed to murder pre-born children with impunity and President Dew stated he did not know what King was referring to.

For a summary with videos attached, please read this great twitter thread from Abolitionists Rising.

Looking Ahead

Next years SBC will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana! If you are an abolitionist in the Southern Baptist Convention, please start saving and planning to attend the convention next year!

Abolition News, May 20th-June10th, 2023

Alabama Equal Protection Rally Recap

A rally to support HB484 in Alabama was held on May 30th at the State Capitol in Montgomery. Speakers included Jeff Durbin, Derin Stidd, Jason Storms, Paul Abbott, II, and Representative Earnie Yarbrough. An informational meeting was also held that evening at Reformation Baptist Church in Wetumpka.

Abolish Abortion Texas Drop New Merch

Abolish Abortion Texas has premiered three new Equal Protection t-shirt that can be worn by abolitionist in any state. The shirts are available in men’s, women’s, and kid’s sizes!

Roe 2.0 House Resolution Introduced by Pro-Life Congressman

U.S Congressman Doug Lamborn introduced U.S. HR464, the “Recognize Life Resolution” on June 6th. According to Constitutional Attorney Bradley Pierce, this resolution is “Roe 2.0” as it specifically states abortion must remain uncriminalized for pregnant women. Abolitionists Rising described this resolution as the “most dangerous Pro-Life initiative yet“. Please read both threads below in their entirety!

According to Representative Doug Lamborn, who introduced the bill, and Live Action/Lila Rose’s social media accounts, Live Action is in full support of Roe 2.0 claiming this is the “New North Star” for the Pro-Life movement. Pro-Life site LifeNews.com, when reporting on the HR464, stated “Additionally, it acknowledges that mothers often are second victims of the profit-driven abortion industry and abortionists alone should be punished for killing unborn babies. Protections for unborn babies “shall not be construed to permit the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child,” the bill states.””

That is not equal protection, folks. Kansas abolitionist Stu McArthur stated in a tweet, “@LiveAction This Resolution is incoherent and wicked. It lays out an excellent argument for the pre-born child as a human person worthy of equal protection of the law – and then Resolves to deny that person protection from being murdered by their own mother. Every supporter of this resolution needs to repent. Deuteronomy 1:17″ and I could not agree more.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising released multiple videos on YouTube:

Equal Protection SC are working on Summer Tour dates for Anderson county, Greenville/Spartanburg, Columbia, Grand Strand area, and York County. If you live in South Carolina and would like them to visit your area, please contact them.

Several articles have been published concerning HB484 in Alabama:

SeverentsandHeralds.com published an article titled “Bible or Barber on Abolishing Abortion?” about the President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s position against abortion abolitionists. The article was written by SBC pastor Dusty Deevers.

End Abortion Ohio recently published an article on their website titled “The Only Way Forward in a Post-Roe Society“.

According to a tweet from Jon Speed, LOOR.TV in partnership with CHOICE42 will be premiering Episode 2 of their Exposed series covering IVF on Tuesday, June 12th.

A new webiste (I do not know who runs it or if they are abolitionist) titled “Build-A-Baby” released a satirical video by the same title concerning IVF.

Upcoming Events

June 11-12th – Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. Although this is not an abolition conference or event, numerous abolitionists will be attending and engaging those at the convention and around New Orleans.

November 4th – Abolish Abortion Texas and The Foundation to Abolish Abortion is hosting an appreciation dinner in Georgetown, Texas on November 4th.

Abolition News, May 6th-May 19th, 2023

South Carolina Equal Protection Amendment Fails

In a special called session of the South Carolina legislature, S.474 (Heartbeat Bill) was passed. Before its passing, Representative Rob Harris submitted Amendment 7 “to both protect the unborn and obey the SC and US constitutions” by giving equal protection to our neighbors in the womb. Pro-life politician John McCravy spoke against the amendment and the amendment failed 32-66. A video of Harris speaking for and McCravy speaking against the amendment can be found here.

Alabama Equal Protection Bill Filed

State Representative Ernie Yarbrough filed HB454, the Equal Protection Act, on May 11, 2023 in Alabama. The bill has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee where is must pass before it can move to a floor vote. As of publication, no hearing date has been set. 1819 News reported on the filing here and included an interview with End Abortion Alabama.

Equal Protection South Carolina Starts Podcast

Mark Corral and Matt Brock of Equal Protection South Carolina recorded and released their first podcast episode on May 18th concerning the passage of South Carolina’s Heartbeat Bill.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising released two new videos on YouTube:

Abolition Abortion Texas published an article recapping Bradley Pierce’s trip to testify for the Missouri Equal Protection Bill titled, “Pro-Life Groups OPPOSE Equal Protection in Missouri“. They also published another article titled, “How should the anti-abortion movement build unity?“. New Equal Protection t-shirts are also available in their store.

Resisting Balaam released two new podcast:

Pro-Life Headlines

South Carolina – The newly passed South Carolina Heartbeat Act (S.474):

  • Legalizes the use of chemical abortion pills through all nine months of pregnancy.
  • Codifies the murder of children by an abortion doctor (hitman):
    • up until the hitman or nurse decides to find a heartbeat
    • through 12 weeks if the mother claims she was sexually assaulted
    • through the entire pregnancy in the case of a “fatal fetal anomaly”

North Carolina – The North Carolina legislature overrode the Governor’s veto to pass SB20. This bill:

  • codifies the legal murder of children in the womb through 12 weeks if the mother decides to hire a hitman.
  • codifies the legal murder of children in the womb through all nine months if done by the mother.

Nebraska – After LB626 (12-week abortion “ban”) failed in April, Nebraska Republicans added the legislation into LB574. This Act passed this week and codifies the legal murder of our neighbors in the womb:

  • by a hitman through “the probable gestational age” of 12 weeks (longer if conceived in rape/incest).
  • through all nine months if done by the mother.

Kristian Hawkins, President of Students for Life, tweeted a congratulatory tweet to Daniel Cameron, current Attorney General of Kentucky, for securing the republican nomination for KY’s Governor this week. Hawkins stated, “As Attorney General, Cameron defended preborn lives & protected pro-life laws against the radical abortion lobby’s assault. He will be a great pro-life Governor for Kentucky!” As a reminder, Cameron openly opposed HB300 which would have granted our KY neighbors in the womb equal protection. This and what Representative John McCravy did in South Carolina this week simply show yet again that the pro-life establishment has no interest in abolishing abortion.

Upcoming Events

June 11-12th – The Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. Although this is not an abolition conference or event, numerous abolitionists will be attending and engaging those at the convention and around New Orleans.

Abolition News, April 21th-May 5th

Missouri Senate Hearing for SB356 Recap

On Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023, SB356, the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act, was granted a committee hearing. Although multiple witnesses were there to speak for and against SB356, the committee only allowed two organizations to speak for and two to speak against. Bradley Pierce of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion spoke in favor stating the abolitionist belief “that murdering anyone should be illegal for everyone”. Jeff Durbin of End Abortion Now also spoke in favor of the bill.

Two pro-life organization spoke against the bill. Samuel Lee of Campaign Life Missouri and Susan Klein of Missouri Right to Life both opposed the bill citing the NRCL letter published on May 12, 2022. According to the committee minutes, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & SW MO and Pro Choice Missouri were also present to speak against the bill. A video of the hearing can be watched here.

By their actions both pro-life organizations showed they share the same belief that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice Missouri hold-–that life in the womb is less valuable and therefore should be less protected than life outside of the womb.

G3 Ministries and Yahoo News also covered this story.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising released multiple videos on YouTube:

Abolish Abortion TX has also released multiple videos on their YouTube channel recently:

Matthew Wiersema, who is producing the film “Abolitionists”, has put out a fund raising call to help finish the film. To donate, please click here.

Pro-Life Headlines

On April 27th, The Nebraska legislature voted down a pro-life bill to regulate abortion as healthcare. LB626 would have lowered the gestational age at which a pregnant mother could hire a hitman (abortionist) to murder her child from twenty weeks to six weeks and included exemptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother as well as IVF. The bill also kept abortion legal for the pregnant woman and gave no legal penalties to abortionists other than potential “professional discipline”.

In South Carolina, another pro-life bill to regulate abortion as healthcare, H3774 (which Students for Life gave huge support to), was defeated in the Senate. According to Equal Protection South Carolina, if H3774 would have passed, it would have made it nearly impossible to ever abolish abortion in South Carolina. As a reminder, South Carolina had a bill of equal protection filed (HB3549), and pro-life backed politicians refused to give it a hearing.

Upcoming Events

June 11-12th – Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. Although this is not an abolition conference or event, numerous abolitionists will be attending and engaging those at the convention and around New Orleans.

Pro-Life Organizations Fight to Keep Abortion Legal in Missouri

On Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023, SB356, the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act, was granted a committee hearing in the Missouri Senate. Under current abortion law in Missouri, a doctor may perform an abortion in the case of a medical emergency. It is also legal for pregnant women to preform their own abortions with a chemical abortion pill regimen or instrument through all nine months of pregnancy. SB356’s intent is to change the law to provide equal protection to children in the womb, meaning the same laws that protect born individuals from murder would be extended to pre-born children.

Although multiple witnesses were there to speak for or against SB356, the committee only allowed two organizations to speak for and two to speak against. Bradley Peirce of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion spoke in favor stating the abolitionist belief “that murdering anyone should be illegal for everyone”. Jeff Durbin of End Abortion Now also spoke in favor of the bill.

Two pro-life organization spoke against the bill. Samuel Lee of Campaign Life Missouri and Susan Klein of Missouri Right to Life both opposed the bill citing the NRCL letter published on May 12, 2022. This same letter also killed a bill of equal protection in Louisiana last year. The letter openly opposes equal protection for our neighbors in the womb and requests that law makers keep abortion legal for the pregnant woman. According to the committee minutes, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & SW MO and Pro Choice Missouri were also present to speak against the bill.

By their actions, both pro-life organizations showed they share the same belief that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice Missouri hold–that life in the womb is less valuable and therefore should be less protected than life outside of the womb.

If you live in Missouri and are interested an supporting an organization who truly does fight to abolish abortion in the “Show-Me” state, please support the work of Abolish Abortion Missouri.


According to Abolish Abortion Missouri, SB356, the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act, will be given a hearing in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee at 9:30am local time on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at the Capitol in Jefferson City. Out of love for and on behalf of our pre-born neighbors, all who are able to attend this hearing need to show up!

We also need anyone who can to be contacting members of the committee. Their publicly available contact information is below. You DO NOT have to live in Missouri to contact these legislators.

Tips for Interaction

Be kind and ask each legislator for their support of SB356 as it is the only bill of equal protection filed this session. Remind each legislator that every person is made in the image of God, that as elected legislators they have the duty to establish justice and protect even their most vulnerable citizens, and that abortion is still legal in Missouri and will continue to be unless SB356 is passed. I personally am going to point out the Missouri’s nickname is the “Show-Me” state and these legislators can be seen as leaders in this space since, if SB356 is passed into law, they would be the first state to equally protect all human beings from the moment of fertilization! I will encourage them that they can show the rest of the country what it is like to LEAD on the issue abolishing the holocaust of abortion!

I also find the graphic below helpful if questions arise about the term equal protection.

Please share with everyone you know. Remember, you do NOT have to live in Missouri to contact these legislators!

Abolition News, April 8th-20th

Abolishing Abortion in Texas Conference & Mission Recap

The Abolishing Abortion in Texas Conference and Mission was hosted by Love of Truth Ministries in Spring Branch, TX, on April 13th-15th. Outreaches were conducted at the University of Texas – San Antonio as well as the Alamo.

State Abolition Bill(s) Updates

  • Kentucky
    • Pro-Life backed politicians refused to give HB300 a hearing.
  • Indiana
    • Pro-Life backed politicians refused to give HB1596 a hearing.
  • South Carolina
    • Pro-Life backed politician refused to give HB3549 a hearing. According to Facebook post from Equal Protection South Carolina, the bill the pro-life lobby is pushing is set for special order next week to be debated in the Senate. If the bill is enacted, it would make it more difficult, if not impossible,to actually abolish abortion in South Carolina.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising released multiple videos on YouTube recently including:

Abolish Abortion Texas released an informative article titled “What’s really going on with the Texas abortion pill case?”. They also released a video on their YouTube channel titled “”I agree with the abolitionist position except for 2 things…“”.

Dusty Deevers of Rescue Those has tweeted very helpful threads on abolition and equal protection the last two weeks. Links are below:

Pro-Life Headlines

There has been several items through out the pass two week that the pro-life establishment are calling “wins” that are anything but for our pre-born neighbors. We took on their misinformation with an article of our own titled “Mifepristone, Florida Heartbeat Act, and 32K babies saved?!  Here’s the truth…“.

Pro-Life Congressman Lindsey Graham, who introduced a bill to limit abortions at the federal level in September 2023, was interviewed recently about his views on abortion. He has several quotes worth noting:

  • “I’m very pro-life, and I think being pro-life is a winning message,” the Republican senator said. “I oppose late-term abortions. I have a bill that set a national minimum standard of 15 weeks. Fifty out of the 53 European nations ban abortion at 15 weeks. I have an exception for rape, incest and life of the mother.”
  • “We can win this issue at the ballot box if we show up with reasonable positions. If we have our head in the sand, we’re going to lose,”

I shared this in order to show, again, that pro-life backed politician have no interest in abolishing abortion, only to continue regulating it as healthcare.

Pro-Life Congresswoman Nancy Mace also made headlines recently when she stated the FDA should be in charge of what drugs it approves, not judges, concerning the ruling on Mifepristone. She stated, “We have, over the last nine months, not shown compassion towards women, and this is one of those issues that I’ve tried to lead on as someone who’s ‘pro-life’ and just have some common sense.” When Mace was a state lawmaker in South Carolina, she successfully advocated for the inclusion of exceptions for rape and incest in a proposed six-week “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban bill. I believe Abolitionists Rising said it best in the tweet below:

Upcoming Events

There are no scheduled upcoming abolition events. If you would like to submit an event, please email transformed4more@gmail.com.

Mifepristone, Florida Heartbeat Act, and 32K babies saved?!  Here’s the truth…

It has been a busy week sorting through what the pro-life movement is calling “wins”.  I know it is hard to keep up so I decided to write a brief synopsis of the truth about the Mifepristone ruling, the 32,000 “saved” babies since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and Florida’s passage the Heartbeat Protection Act. (Please note, I am not a journalist, this is simply a blog).


It has been a back and forth week of rulings concerning Mifepristone, the first drug used in most chemical abortions; however, as it stands now, the Supreme Court has put a hold on any decisions until Wednesday, April 19th, so they can consider the Biden administration’s appeal. Regardless of what happens, if Mifepristone cannot be produced here in the US, there are plenty of overseas retailors who will ship the pills (and already do) to women in the US. Remember, chemical abortions are legal in every state for pregnant women to perform meaning they would face no criminal penalties for ordering pills from an overseas source and taking them to murder their child(ren) in the womb.  It is worth noting, Mifepristone is the pill in the chemical abortion regimen that starves the child in the womb to death, it is not the pill that aborts the baby.  The pill that aborts the baby is called Misoprostol and chemical abortions can be done using only Misoprostol.  If Mifepristone is pulled off the market and a woman does not feel comfortable ordering from overseas, they will simply prescribe her a Misoprostol only abortion. It is also worth nothing that abortion pill reversals cannot be done after Misoprostol is taken. Chemical abortions will continue at the same rate no matter the ruling, unfortunately, and more babies will die as a result of the pill reversal no longer being an option.

32,000 Babies Saved?

You may also have seen headlines this week about 32,000 babies being saved since the overturning of Roe. This is misinformation, unfortunately, as well.  Those statistics only take into account abortions that happen within the US healthcare system. They do not take into account abortions outside the healthcare system which are done by ordering pills online and consuming them. According to a recent report, chemical abortion pill requests have increased to 6,500 pills a month, which is more than the total decline of abortions within the US healthcare system.  That means more children have potentially been murdered since Roe was overturned than before its reversal, not 32,000 less.

Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act

I have seen many headlines celebrating Florida’s passing of the Heartbeat Protection Act. Here are the main issues with this bill and why it should not be considered a “win”:

  • It codifies the legal murder of children into law, regulating abortion as healthcare. This is an abomination to God which is explained on this podcast episode.
  • It has exemptions for fetal abnormalities and children conceived in rape/incest.
  • It does not abolish abortion; it forces women make their decisions in haste which will lead to the death of more children.
  • There is no oversite at abortion clinics requiring them to be truthful about gestational age. This law supposes women who are bringing their children in to be murdered and the abortionist will be honest.

Here is another point to contemplate. DeSantis beat out his opponent by 19 points in the 2022 governor’s race. They have a Republican super majority, and we are in a post-Roe world. All of that and they are still regulating abortion as healthcare. Why? I have ideas, but it is clear the pro-life backed politicians in Florida, and every other state, have no interest in abolishing abortion.


So there you have it. For those of you new to our site, we are abolitionists, not pro-lifers. If you are interested in learning more about the abolition movement, please click here.

Abolition News, March 25th – April 7th, 2023

Texas Equal Protection Rally Recap

On April 1, Abolish Abortion Texas hosted an Equal Protection Rally at the Capitol in Austin in support of HB2709 and SB2198. Speakers included Bradley Pierce, Representative Bryan Slaton, Kristine Harhoef, Natalie Sims, Rusty Thomas, and Jon Speed.

A recording of the event can be found on Apologia Studios YouTube Channel here.

Kansas Rally Recap

AIMKS hosted a rally on March 29th at the Capitol in Topeka in support of HB2128. Speakers included Kevan Myers, Jared Burdick, Gregg Kite, and Josh Eaton.

Texas Judge Ruling on Mifepristone Explained

On Friday, April 7th, two rulings happened concerning Mifepristone, the first pill used in a chemical abortion that starves the baby to death. In Oregon, an Obama appointee ruled there should be no changes on the sale of Mifepristone. In Texas, a Trump appointed judge ruled the drug unlawful. The decision will not take effect for a week and the Biden Administration has already filed an appeal. The decision could possibly go to the Supreme Court, but it will do nothing to curb chemical abortions. Chemical abortions can be done with Misoprostol alone, which is the drug that induced the abortion. Chemical abortion pill site like PlanC are already educating their clientele about this process.

Pro-Life Headlines

Prolifer Nancy Mace (SC) introduced a bill in Congress titled “The Women’s Healthcare Anti-Death Penalty Construction Act” that would make it illegal for states to issue capital punishment for women who murder their pre-born children calling it “cruel and unusual punishment”. Mace stated, “Executing a woman who chooses not to carry her rapist’s baby is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment” when in reality, slaughtering a child for the sins of their father is what is truly cruel and unjust.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising has posted several new YouTube Videos to their channel. Title are as follows:

The Honest Youth Pastor hosted Russell Hunter on his YouTube Channel this past week for a discussion called “Is Abolishing Abortion Realistic“.

AIMKS leader Clifton Boje worked with Representative Jason Goetz this week to distribute Rescue Those’s pamphlet titled “The Role of Civil Government” to every Representative in the Kansas House. Goetz’s letter that accompanied the pamphlet was signed by nine additional House Representatives.

Upcoming Events

4/13-15 – Abolishing Abortion in Texas Conference and Mission

Abolition News, March 11th-March 24th, 2023

Ohio Pastor’s Meeting Recap

End Abortion Now hosted a Pastor’s meeting in Ohio concerning the upcoming bill of equal protection. Speakers included Austin Beigel, Zach Conover, Bill Dean, Mike Harding, and Nick Kallis. A recording of the meeting can be found on here.

Texas Equal Protection Rally Announced

Abolish Abortion Texas is hosting at rally at the Texas Capitol (South Side) in Austin on Saturday, April 1 at 10:30am local time to support the two bills of equal protection (HB2709 and SB2198).

Misleading Pro-Life Headlines

There have been multiple headlines concerning “pro-life victories” that are not victories for our neighbors in the womb.

  • Wyoming – Pro-lifers are claiming a law was passed to protect life from conception, but the law only applies to surgical abortions performed by a medical doctor. Pro-lifers are also claiming abortion pills are banned. The law actually states that “no person shall manufacture, distribute, prescribe, dispense, sell, transfer or use any chemical abortion drug in the state”, but as usual, pregnant women are exempt from any penalties and can still legally order abortion pills online and legally take them to murder their child in the womb.
  • South Carolina – Pro-lifers are claiming life is now protected from conception with HB3552. The truth is South Carolina has a bill to abolish abortion (HB3549) that has been refused to be heard in committee. The pro-life legislation they did hear and pass keeps mother induced abortions legal through all nine months of pregnancy and allows surgical abortions to be performed on children conceived in rape/incest.
  • Utah – Pro-lifers are claiming a bill was signed to ban all abortion clinics. The truth is Utah’s four abortion clinics will have to file for a new type of license than the one they currently operate under by 2024. It also expanded abortion access by stating that abortions can now be preformed in hospitals in Utah.

Pro-Life Headlines

ArkansasArkansas has a bill filed that would abolish abortion (HB1174), but instead of hearing and passing it, the legislature chose to pass a law that creates a memorial to children murdered by abortion on the Arkansas Capitol grounds.

Kansas – Kansas has a bill to abolish abortion (HB2181), but instead of considering the bill, the pro-life legislature is choosing to work to pass the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act” even though it is already illegal to kill a born child in Kansas.

Abolition Headlines

1819news.com published an article by Allan Bledsoe titled “Be a modern-day Wilberforce and end abortion in Alabama“.

Abolitionists Rising posted two new videos on their YouTube Channel from interaction that occurred during their conference in Wichita. The first was with a combative ex-police officer and the second with a post-abortive teenaged mother.

The YouTube Channel Rhology also posted a video from the mission in Wichita titled “Wichita North Science Teacher Screeches to Drown Out the Gospel“.

AIMKS published an article from Pastor Gregg Kite titled “Examining the Poor Logic of Abolition Opposition“.

South Carolina legislature stated this week that SB3549, the bill to abolish abortion, is “Dead on Arrival“.

Abolish Abortion Texas has posted three articles on their website concerning their bill of equal protection in the House and Senate:

The Bleeding Kansas Podcast hosted Russell Hunter for an episode recapping the Abolitionists Rising Conference.

The Resisting Balaam YouTube channel released a video discussing three cases in Texas that deal with homicide of the preborn exposing the inconsistency of the anti-justice pro-life position.

Jon Speed posted a live Facebook video titled “No, I am not pro-life. For the same reasons I am not Roman Catholic or a moral relativist.”

Upcoming Events

3/29 – Kansas Abolish Abortion Day at the Capitol in Topeka at 10:00 local time.

4/1 – Texas Equal Protection Rally at the Capitol (South side) in Austin, 10:30am local time.

4/13-15 – Abolishing Abortion in Texas Conference and Mission