Five Facts About Abortion Every March for Life Participant Should Know

This article is copied from an X (formerly known as Twitter) post by Ben Zeisloft.

Today is the #MarchForLife: one of the most significant annual demonstrations in America meant to draw attention to the abortion holocaust and the plight of the preborn. This year is the second #MarchForLife since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. But the battle to end abortion in our land is far from over. Here is why:

1). Abortion is Still Legal in All 50 States

You may have heard from pro-life news outlets that abortion is banned in a dozen or more red states. But all of these states have laws saying that officials cannot prosecute mothers who have abortions, even if they willfully and intentionally murder their preborn babies.

2). Women Are Not “Second Victims”.

You may have also heard that women are “second victims” of a culture of death telling them to murder their babies, or that they are “second victims” of parents or boyfriends pressuring them to abort. There are certainly women who are in abusive situations and deserve our compassion. But we have also seen women over the past few years “shout their abortions” and take abortion pills on the steps of the Supreme Court and even on live television.

We actually infantilize women by suggesting they have no idea what they are doing when they willingly take part in abortion. Even worse, we hold them back from the grace of God and the salvation found in Christ. If they are innocent victims of abortion, how could they need forgiveness for their abortions?

3). Self-Managed Abortion is on the Rise

Because of laws which allow women to murder their babies with immunity and impunity, demand for self-managed abortion pills is on the rise. Even though surgical abortion mills may be closed, women can still order poison pills through the mail to murder their babies. Some of the states with the most rapid increases in abortion pill orders are red states like Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, where pro-life lawmakers and their lobbyist allies insist that abortion has been officially banned.

4). The Pro-Life Movement is the Problem

Elected officials and lobbying groups in the pro-life movement are actually the reason abortion remains legal for women in every red state. Every time Christians try to introduce and advance bills to abolish abortion entirely, even in states with Republican pro-life supermajorities where the abortion lobby has no power, pro-life lawmakers are always the ones who kill these bills.

5). Jesus is the Death Kneel to Abortion

Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead for men and women who have taken part in murdering preborn children. If you have participated in an abortion, repent of your sins and trust in him! Western nations submitted to Christ once abolished child sacrifice in history. Only the departure from Christ has led to the return of child sacrifice. Only by the return to Christ can we vanquish child sacrifice once more.


Thank you for reading this. Please share this with other #MarchForLife attendees. If you want to see more paradigm-shifting information about abortion and equal protection for the preborn after Roe, you should check out these resources:

Videos: The Fatal Flaw, Abortion is Still Legal in All 50 States, Abortion Free


Abolition News – December 2023

Dusty Deevers Wins Oklahoma Senate Seat

Abolitionist Pastor Dusty Deevers won his Oklahoma Senate election by 10 points over his Democrat opponent in a special election held on December 12th despite an onslaught of slander from both Republicans and Democrats in the state. We praise God for this and ask you to keep Senator Deevers in your prayers.

AIMKS Announces Abolition Rally

Abortion is Murder Kansas (AIMKS) announced a rally to abolish abortion will be held on January 16th at 8:30 local time. According to the event description, “We are going to our Capitol to demand of our legislators that abortion be abolished, that child sacrifice end, that baby murder be criminalized for God’s sake and our neighbors’. We will hear from many pastors from around the state, we will set up meetings with our legislators, we will sing hymns, chant chants, and call the world to repent of their apathy for the genocide we all live in. And we will go every year, preach every month, demand justice every day until abortion is abolished.”

Pro-Life Leaders Brag About Killing Equal Protection Bills in MO/Looking to Expand Abortion Rights in Oklahoma

On December 1st, Missouri House Representative Bob Titus and Senator Mike Moon prefilled two bills of equal protection, HB1508 and SB775, respectively. By December 8th, Missouri Pro-Life leader Samuel Lee (who spoke against a bill of equal protection last year in the Senate hearing for SB356) vocalized his objections to the bills. Pro-life Missouri State Representative Tony Lovasco also spoke out against these bills stating that while equal protection may be an intellectually consistent position, it is an incredibly bad idea. Bob Titus then withdrew his bill in the House. Further information can be found here and here.

In Oklahoma, State Chair for Oklahomans for Life Tony Lauinger, is back for yet another year calling for the reintroduction of rape and incest laws concerning abortion, which would reopen kill mills in the state.

Abolition Headlines

Not a Victim is continuing to fundraise for new “Things You Say To Us” literature focused on equal protection. You can donate here.

Abolitionists Rising, which recently broke 200K subscribers on YouTube, released two new videos titled, “You’re Arguing In Bad Faith!” Pro-Choice Activists Debate Abolitionist” and “Should Women Be Prosecuted?: A Debate With Babylon Bee’s Joel Berry“.

Abolition Abortion Texas (AATX) published two new articles on their site titled, “Pro-Life laws aren’t working. Equal protection is the answer.” and “They aren’t fighting as Christians. We are.” AATX also released two new videos on their YouTube channel as well titled, “Pro-Life laws aren’t working. Here’s why.” and “Equal Protection is advancing in Texas and across the country!

End Abortion Now released an new video titled, “Our Biggest Year Yet! Partner With Us In 2024!“.

Bradley Pierce of AATX was featured on the Truth Over Tribe podcast for an episode titled, “Is Being Pro-Life Enough? with Abortion Abolitionist Bradley Pierce” where he did an excellent job handling the questions and objections of the pro-life podcast hosts.

End Abortion Ohio was featured in an article titled, “After Ohio Supreme Court dismisses anti-abortion arguments, advocates work to unveil total abortion ban.”

Laura Klassen, founder of, was featured on the Pro-Life Guys podcast to discuss IVF. She also wrote an article for The Art of Worship website titled, “Pastors, Love Your Preborn Neighbor“.

Abolitionist Pastor Brian Gunter was featured on Iron Sharpens Iron radio on an episode titled, “Has Pro-life, Evangelical Christian, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson Betrayed the Cause to Rescue the Unborn from Slaughter?

Abolish Abortion NC started a Twitter account which can be followed here.

InTheGrove has a new sweatshirt avliable for purchase:

Upcoming Events

January 11th – Abolition, What is it? Hosted by Abolish Abortion Nebraska. Event will take place at Dominion Covenant Church, 6140 Irving Rd., Omaha, NE from 5:30-8:00pm local time with dinner provided.

January 16thAIMKS Abolish Abortion Rally in the Kansas State Capitol–2nd Floor Rotunda starting at 8:30 local time.

February 3rd – Abolish Abortion TN Mini-Conference from 2:00-7:45PM EST at North Athens Baptist Church.

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference, April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Abolition News – November 11th-30th

Not a Victim Announces New Edition of “Things Your Say to Us” Focused on Equal Protection

On November 22nd, Not A Victim announced a new printing of her “Things You Say to Us” cards that will specifically focus on Equal Protection and an accompanying fundraiser to fund their printing. According to her fundraising page, “Bradley Pierce (Abolitionist Attorney) made a little comment about how we should do a new series of our “Things You Say To Us” (in the abortion debate) card series, but this time, specifically addressing the things LEGISLATORS, Republicans, Pastors, and Christians say to us in the debates about the equal protection bills. I thought that was a pretty profound idea. So, I took my notes from my meetings this last session with over 150 legislators and their staffers and wrote up 48 “Things They Said To Us” and our short responses.” A total of $7,845 is needed to print the cards and needed quickly as several legislative sessions begin in January.

Abolition Resolution Passes at Kentucky Baptist Convention, Fails in Louisiana

The Kentucky Baptist Convention gathered on November 14th for their annual meeting. Abolish Abortion Kentucky, which is led by Southern Baptist Pastors, put forth a resolution titled, “On Equal Protection of the Laws for Preborn Children.” The resolution did not have to be voted on to be brought of committee and was passed unanimously by the messengers.

The Louisiana Baptist Convention met on November 15th. Abolitionist Pastor, Brian Gunter, again put forth a Resolution on Equal Protection and it was again rejected by the Resolutions Committee. Pastor Gunter moved to bring the resolution out of committee, but it was eventually voted down after two spoke for the resolution and two against. A video of the exchange can be found here. Apologia Studios also interview Pastor Gunter here and he addressed his own congregation here. I also recommend reading this thread from Abolitionists Rising.

On November 17th, Baptist Message slandered Pastor Gunter saying his resolution called for, “the prosecution of women who underwent an abortion” which is false and addressed specifically in the resolution which states, “mothers would not be subject to criminal liability for an act prior to the effective date of the law (ex post facto).”

End Abortion Now Releases Two New Exposés

End Abortion Now has released two new exposés on their YouTube Channel exposing the hypocrisy of the Pro-Life Establishment. One is titled, “Exposé: Mike Johnson & Pro-Life Hypocrisy” which exposes current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and how he worked to keep abortion legal in Louisiana. Brian Gunter is interviewed in the film and after the film premiered Mike Johnson responded to Brian’s claims in the exposé which can be found in this thread.

The second exposé was titled, “The Fatal Flaw: Lies, Laws, & Pro-life Deception” which shows the real reason abortion is still legal in the United States during and after Roe v. Wade.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising released multiple videos on their YouTube channel including:

Erika Schanzenbach had two excellent threads recently. One explaining how the pro-life claim that “70% of women are coerced into abortion” is false, and another on explaining how John 8 is not about Jesus overturning or redefining justice.

Abolish Abortion NC is helping to connect churches to act in unison on strategic projects in their state to see abortion abolished. They are asking this video be shared with NC churches to help them accomplish this task!

Upcoming Events

February 3rd, 2024 – Abolish Abortion TN Mini-Conference from 2:00-7:45PM EST at North Athens Baptist Church.

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference has been scheduled for April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Giving Tuesday: Best Organizations Fighting for Life

There are many great organizations out there to give to, but we all know that some are better stewards of your donation than others.  Anti-abortion organizations are no different, therefore, we felt it would be helpful to highlight the four best organization to give to that fight for our neighbors in the womb!  Two of these organizations we give to monthly and the other two we give yearly!

Abolitionists Rising
Abolitionists Rising exists to spread abolitionist ideas and support abolitionist organizations, projects, and legislation. Their goals are the abolition of abortion, the repentance of the nation, and the glorification of God.

The Imago Dei Ministry
The Imago Dei Ministry (IDM) is a gospel centered ministry. Their team consists of Christian volunteers that reach out via private social media groups to pregnant mothers actively seeking abortion as well as ministering in person outside of Bristol Women’s Health abortion clinic which assists in murdering over a dozen children a day. While ministering outside the clinic, IDM focuses on calling out to patients with a focus of saving children, resourcing families, and proclaiming the Gospel. By God’s grace, IDM has seen over 200 babies saved.

Foundation to Abolish Abortion
Their mission is, “To exalt and vindicate the image of God by promoting sound public policy that provides equal protection under the law to all preborn human beings.”

Rescue Those
“Rescue those who are being taken away to death” is the scripture Rescue Those is based on. Rescue Those helps individuals and churches learn, prepare, and go rescue our pre-born neighbors from death.

Please consider giving to these wonderful organization who are working daily to abolish abortion!

Abolition News – October 1st – November 10th

Issue One Passes in Ohio

Ohio became the latest state to enshrine child sacrifice rights into its state constitution on Tuesday night. The story was covered here. Abolitionist organization End Abortion Ohio released their statement following Tuesday night’s election results here, and in case anyone needed reminding of which psalms are imprecatory: 7, 35, 40, 55, 58-59, 69, 79, 109, 137, 139, and 144.

Abolition Resolution Passes at North Carolina Baptist Convention, Fails in Missouri

A group of nearly 30 abolitionists partnered with Abolish Abortion North Carolina this week at the North Carolina Baptist Convention. Their resolution on Equal Protection was passed unanimously by the messengers. Coverage on the resolution passing can be found here and here.

Abolish Abortion Missouri also put forth an Equal Protection Resolution that had to be voted out by the messengers after the resolutions committee chose not to bring it forward. This means the resolution was able to be discussed on the floor, but it ultimately failed to receive the 2/3rds vote needed to pass. A recap concerning the resolution was recorded by Adam Cochrun and can be found here.

Abolish Abortion TN Relaunches, Announces Mini-Conference

Abolish Abortion TN (AATN) officially relaunched this week after its previous leadership moved out of state in 2018. AATN is being lead by Abolitionist Pastor Scott Packett and is hosting their first event on February 3rd, 2024. The title of the mini conference is “Post Roe: Now What? The Christian’s responsibility to love their preborn neighbor” and will be held at North Athens Baptist Church in Athens, TN from 2:00-7:45pm EST with dinner provided. Abolitionist Pastors Wesley Russell and Clay Hall with Abolish Abortion Kentucky will also be speaking at the event. Hope you will join us there!

“Abortion Free” Docu-Series Premiers

Rescue Those and the Foundation to Abolish Abortion released the first episode of “Abortion Free” to subscribers on Friday, November 10th. A subscription costs $25 and provides early access to episodes as they premier. I just finished the first episode and it is very well done–excited for this series!

Abolition Headlines

Upcoming Events

February 3rd – Abolish Abortion TN Mini-Conference from 2:00-7:45PM EST at North Athens Baptist Church.

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference has been scheduled for April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Reformation Month Resources

The Protestant Reformation began on October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. For much of my life, this is all I knew about the Protestant Reformation but as I have gotten older, I have become more aware of how important this reformation truly was in church history and have gathered various resources to help others learn as well. Below are various resources for adults and children interested in learning more about the Reformation.


The Bible Study with Steve Lawson – Episodes 98-102


The Reformation: Lecture Series by Carl Truman at the Master’s Seminary
The Reformation Was a Recovery of the Gospel | Steven Lawson
Reformation 500 Celebration
The Daring Mission of William Tyndale
Who are the Reformers: Huldrych Zwingli
Who are the Reformers: Heinrich Bullinger


Don Greene – The 5 Solas of the Reformation
Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer


The Reformation
Reformation Women
The Daring Mission of William Tyndale
The Expository Genius of John Calvin
The Historic Boldness of Martin Luther
John Knox: Fearless Faith
The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God’s Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin
The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation
Why the Reformation Still Matters


The Reformation and the Men Behind It
Fortress for Truth: Martin Luther
Zurich Revolutionary: Ulrich Zwingli
Prince of Translators: William Tyndale
Covenant Theologian: Heinrich Bullinger
Theologian for the Ages: John Calvin
The Shape of the Reformation

Kids Resources

The Torchlighters: The Martin Luther Story
The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story
Luther: Echos of the Hammer
Reformation ABCs
John Calvin – Christian Biographies for Young Readers
Martin Luther – Christian Biographies for Young Readers


Reformation Day Shirt

Abolition News – August & September 2023

New Docu-Series “Abortion Free” Announced

The Foundation to Abolish Abortion in partnership with Rescue Those has announced a new docu-series titled, “Abortion Free” exploring what is really going on in post-Roe America. The trailer can be watched here and the first episode releases on November 10, 2023. To financially support the film or sign up for updates concerning the film, click here.

Abolitionist Austin Beigel Running for Ohio House Seat

On September 13th, Austin Beigel with End Abortion Ohio announced his campaign for the Ohio House of Representatives District 73. His campaign video can be found here. His campaign website can be found here.

Abolition Headlines

Upcoming Events

October 16th-18th – Abolish Abortion PA is hosting their annual outreach event in Harrisburg. If you have questions about a place to stay, schedule, or travel, email

November 1st-3rd – Abolitionists Rising is doing evangelism/activism at the The University of Ohio on November 1st and 2nd. On November 3rd, Russell Hunter will be giving a lecture titled, “How to Fight the Culture of Death: Abolitionists Rising in Ohio”. Tickets for the event can be reserved here.

November 4th – Abolish Abortion Missouri is hosting a conference from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Church of the Word in Fenton, MO. For more information, click here.

November 4th – Abolish Abortion Texas and The Foundation to Abolish Abortion is hosting an appreciation dinner in Georgetown, Texas on November 4th. To register click here.

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference has been scheduled for April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Abolition News, July 9th – August 5th

Deevers Running for Oklahoma Senate

Abolitionist Pastor Dusty Deevers announced this week he has entered the race for a special election for Oklahoma State Senate District 32. To learn more about this campaign and ways abolitionist can support Dusty, please visit his website here. Election Day is October 10th.

Not A Victim/Things You Say to Us Fundraiser

Not A Victim/Things You Say to Us is fundraising to help legally restructure her two organizations. The cost will be $6,675 and she is almost half way to her goal. Please help spread the word about this effort and donate if you are financially able here.

Free the States Donor Notice

All donations to Free the States have been stopped. If you had a reoccurring donation to Free the States set up, please click here to set up your new donation for Abolitionists Rising!

Allie Beth Stuckey Finally Interviews an Abolitionist

After years of many abolition women trying to make this conversation happen, Allie Beth Stuckey invited Abolitionist Attorney Bradley Pierce to her podcast studio for an interview that aired on July 25th titled “Is the Pro-Life Movement Fake?: Pro-Lifers vs. Abolitionists“. We are grateful Allie chose to use her podcast platform to help the abolition movement gain exposure.

Abolition Headlines

The Fighting for Truth Podcast with Nathan Marquardt interviewed Dusty Deevers about abolitionism. The first episode was titled “Are All Abortions Murder?” and the second “Abolitionist vs. Pro-Life – What’s the Difference?“.

The Berean Babes YouTube channel hosted yours truly to discuss (among other topics) why I reject incremental legislation when it comes to abolishing abortion.

Abolitionists Rising released a video titled “Progressive” Liberal Tries Every Argument” on their YouTube channel.

End Abortion Ohio started a podcast and released their first episode titled “We Are Christians” on August 1st.

The Doctrines of RAD Podcast interviewed Russell Hunter in an episode titled “Abolish Abortion“.

Twitter Threads Worth Reading

Upcoming Events

August 11th & 12th – Woodlawn Baptist Church (Baton Rouge) is hosting a conference on August 11th & 12th titled, “Protecting Life After Roe”. Speakers include Brian Gunter, Blake Gideon, and Dusty Deevers. Registration for the event can be found here.

September 21st – 23rd – National G3 Conference in Atlanta, GA. Although this is not an abolition conference or event, numerous abolitionists will be attending and engaging those at the convention and around Atlanta. Several abolition organizations were also approved for booths at the conference.

November 4th – Abolish Abortion Texas and The Foundation to Abolish Abortion is hosting an appreciation dinner in Georgetown, Texas on November 4th.

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference has been scheduled for April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Resources on Deliverance Ministries

If you have found this article, it is likely because you received or found a drop card similar to the one above. We are thankful you are here and do not believe it is by accident.

Deliverance Ministries have been growing in popularity and are built on the premise that while Christians cannot be possessed by demons, they can be oppressed by demonic spirits. As with any teaching that claims to be based in the word of God, it is our duty as Christians to examine and compare every teaching to the Bible to see if what is being said is true (Acts 17:11).

Here are some great resources concerning deliverance ministries that we recommend everyone consider. After you have viewed and read all the resources, we would be glad to know your thoughts in the comments.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Deliverance Hits the Big Screen

Do Christians Need Demons Cast Out of Them?

Are Deliverance Ministries Biblical?

A Pastor’s Review of Greg Locke’s Movie

Tap the photo to access the review, or click here!

Truth or Territory: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare

Abolition News, June 11th-July 8th

Dobbs Anniversary Recap

June 24, 2023, marked the one year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade. Ben Zeisloft wrote an excellent article concerning the current reality of abortion in our country.

Apologia Studios released a video also concerning this anniversary titled, “Anniversary of Tyranny: Roe & Dobbs“.

To acknowledge this anniversary, Mayday Health set up a chemical abortion information store in Bastrop, TX to let women know abortion is still legal in all 50 states. The story was covered here and here.

Abolition Headlines

Abolitionists Rising, which has reached 100K YouTube subscribers🥳, released multiple videos on YouTube:

The Conversations With a Calvinist featured yours truly on his podcast this week and I was able to speak about abolition as part of the episode. The portion concerning abolition begins at the 47:00 mark. published an article titled, “Ideological enemies: Distinct Biblical and historical interpretations motivate a movement of abortion abolitionists—and divide them from mainstream pro-lifers“.

Abolitionist Bradley Pierce was featured on episode 239 of the Out of The Question podcast concerning the differences between pro-life and abolitionism.

C.R. Cali released a video and the Foundation to Abolish Abortion released an article both concerning HR464, the new “North Star” of the pro-life movement which in reality is Roe 2.0. The Instagram account @soyouwantthetruthabout also had an informative post concerning this resolution.

Jon Speed and Laura Klassen were featured on the A Couch Divided podcast discussing IVF.

Not A Victim/Things You Say to Us is fundraising to help legally restructure her two organizations. The cost will be $6,675. Please help spread the word about this effort and donate if you are financially able here.

God has answered a specific prayer recently concerning the kill mill in Bristol, VA. Those who minister outside of this mill (The Imago Dei and Life Bristol) have been praying for the Lord to soften the hearts of the owners of the house that is adjacent to the mill and allow them to use part of their yard to be able to speak to the women in the parking lot of the clinic. Two weeks ago, they were granted access and we praise the Lord of that!

Pro-Life Headlines

Live Action held a “Rally Against the Abortion Pill” on June 23rd at the US Department of Health and Human Services. Thankfully, there was an abolitionist named Philip Miedzinski on site in DC to remind attendees that abortion pills do not kill any child, the mothers who take them do.

Lila Rose, President of Live Action, and Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life, were guests on the Whatever Podcast to debate the issue of abortion. The host stated that Kristan’s argument against penalizing pregnant women who willfully kill their children in the womb because they are also victims of abortion was “the worst answer ever”. The full exchange can be found here.

JAMA released a report about live birth rates in Texas since the Heartbeat Act was passed. As usual, the Pro-Life establishment interpreted this report to mean something it does not, and, as usual with Texas news concerning abortion, Abolitionist Paul Brown was there to set the record straight.

Tweet Threads Worth Reading

Upcoming Events

July 29th – Abolish Abortion North Carolina’s Director of Education, Wayne Groover, is speaking at the NC Constitution Party’s State Convention in Asheboro. The topic will revolve around the abolition of abortion. It would be helpful for other abolitionists to attend and engage! You can register for the event here.

August 11th & 12th – Woodlawn Baptist Church (Baton Rouge) is hosting a conference on August 11th & 12th titled, “Protecting Life After Roe”. Speakers include Brian Gunter, Blake Gideon, and Dusty Deevers. Registration for the event can be found here.

September 21st-23rd – National G3 Conference in Atlanta, GA. Although this is not an abolition conference or event, numerous abolitionists will be attending and engaging those at the convention and around Atlanta. Several abolition organizations were also approved for booths at the conference.

November 4th – Abolish Abortion Texas and The Foundation to Abolish Abortion is hosting an appreciation dinner in Georgetown, Texas on November 4th.

June 6th-9th – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference has been scheduled for June 6th-9th in Charlotte, NC.