I apologize for the delay in this edition. Our household was sick for over a month total, but we are finally on the mend. Here’s the news…
Abolition Bill Filed in Colorado
According to the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, State Representative Scott Bottoms filed House Bill 24-1224, also titled, “Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child”. It was assigned to the State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs committee and was given a hearing on March 4th where the committee voted to postpone the bill indefinitely.
Abolition Headlines
- Alabama Supreme Court ruled embryo’s are human, then pass pro-abortion law protecting IVF. You can read more here, here, and here.
- Abolitionists are on the rise in Texas
- Abolitionists Rising is now the most viewed anti-abortion channel on YouTube, passing Live Action.
- Abolish Abortion Missouri is asking this video about Committee Chair Mary Coleman be shared with anyone you know in Missouri about how she is refusing to give their abolition bill a hearing.
- A new abolitionists account has launched called Heritage Restored
- Bradley Pierce was featured on the 1819 podcast in an episode titled, “Should Women Be Held Accountable for Having an Abortion? A conversation with Bradley Pierce.”
- Episode 3 of “Abortion Free” is now available.
- Abolish Abortion Texas posted an article titled, “Gavin Newsom doesn’t like what we have to say“.
- End Abortion Now in partnership with G3 Ministries is hosting an event called, “Defending the Pre-born” for Christians on April 11th from 11:30-2:30pm. The event will be held at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. You can register here.
- Abolitionists Rising has posted seven new vidoes on their YouTube channel:
- Pro-Choice “Devout Christian” Debates Abolitionist
- Smug Pro-Choicer Debates Abolitionist
- Pro-Choice Camera Blocker Threatens Violence, Calls Police
- “People Shouldn’t Join The Pro-life Movement” -Abolitionist To Pro-Life Staffer
- Three Women With Three (BAD) Pro-Choice Arguments
- Pro-Choice Students Offended By Basic Logic
- Unhinged Pro-Ab0rts Take L’s While Berating Abolitionists
- End Abortion Ohio posted a new article titled, “After Issue 1: The Way Forward“
- An abolitionist organization has officially launched in Connecticut called the Connecticut Foundation to Abolish Abortion.
- Grace Life Radio recorded two episodes titled, “Abolitionism: Part 1” and “The Tenants of Abolitionism“
Upcoming Events
April 11th – Defending the Pre-Born (G3 & End Abortion Now). Register here.
April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference, in Charlotte, NC.
July 20th – Life Bristol one day conference with Bradley Pierce at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, TN from 10:00-4:00pm. You can register here.