Tracking Abolition Bills 2024

Knowing how hard it can be to keep up with abolition bills in each state, we created this post in order to help our fellow abolitionists stay up to date with what is happening concerning bills of equal protection.

2024 Filed Bills

Final Status – Filed by Senator Mike Moon. Assigned to Health and Welfare Committee on 1/19 and was never given a hearing by the pro-life committee chair.

Final Status – Filed by Representative Bob Titus. Titus withdrew the bill after pressure from the pro-life establishment in Missouri.

Final Status – Filed by Senator Dusty Deevers on 1/16. The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee where pro-life committee chair refused to give the bill a hearing.

Final Status – Filed by Representative Lorissa Sweet. Was referred to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Codes and was never given a hearing.

Final Status – Filed by Representative Zach Dieken. Referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Bill was killed after Pro-Life Committee Chair, Steve Holt, refused to assign HF2256 to subcommittee.

Final Status – Filed by Representative Samantha Parshall. Referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. Bill died in committee.

Final Status – Filed by Representative Scott Bottoms on February 8, 2024. Bill was assigned to the House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs and was voted 8-3 to postpone indefinitely.

Abolition News – January 1st-20th

Abolition Bills Filed in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Indiana

The 2024 legislative session has kicked off in multiple states and so far three starts have abolition bills filed! In our last issue discussed Missouri’s abolition bill, which was prefiled in December and has now been assigned to the Health and Welfare Committee. Oklahoma Senator and Abolitionist Dusty Deevers filed SB1729 earlier this week which is also known as “The Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act.” Oklahoma’s session begins on February 2nd.

Indiana House Representative Lorissa Sweet has filed HB1379 to abolish abortion in Indiana. The bill has been assigned to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Codes. According to the Indiana General Assembly’s website, their session begins on January 22nd.

Abolition Rallies Announced in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas

Oklahoma – This years Abolition Day will take place on February 6th at 10:00 am local time at the Capitol. Participants will meet at the South Plaza for a short rally and then head inside for organized lobbying and more.

Missouri – Abolish Abortion Missouri will be hosting their Rally at the Capitol on February 21st from 1:00-3:00 local time

Kansas – Had to reschedule their rally due to weather, but have not selected a make-up date yet.

Abolition Headlines

The film Abolitionist released on January 1st and is available to view for a $4 rental fee. Abolitionist Jon Speed reviewed the film on his website as well.

The “Abortion Free” docuseries dropped episode number two which can be watched here.

Ben Zeisloft wrote an excellent post about the annual March for Life that happened this week and gave us permission to publish it as an article on our site which can be read here.

Abolitionists Rising released a new video on their YouTube channel titled, “City Employee Hates Free Speech.”

AbolitionWomen (aka Steadfastwomen who runs this site) was featured on A Word Fitly Spoken Podcast discussing abolitionism and how women can become more involved. On an unrelated note, a Pro-Life PRC director also discussed her disagreements with points I made on Conversations With a Calvinist podcast on this podcast starting at the 38-39 minute mark.

Not a Victim is continuing to fundraise for new “Things You Say To Us” literature focused on equal protection. You can donate here.

Abolish Abortion Missouri hosted a day conference in Chillicothe. A recording of the event can be found here.

Upcoming Events

February 3rd – Abolish Abortion TN Mini-Conference from 2:00-7:45PM EST at North Athens Baptist Church.

February 6th – Abolition Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol at 10:00 local time.

February 21st – Abolish Abortion Missouri Rally at the Capitol from 1:00-3:00 local time

April 18th – 21st – The 2024 Abolitionists Rising Conference, April 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

Five Facts About Abortion Every March for Life Participant Should Know

This article is copied from an X (formerly known as Twitter) post by Ben Zeisloft.

Today is the #MarchForLife: one of the most significant annual demonstrations in America meant to draw attention to the abortion holocaust and the plight of the preborn. This year is the second #MarchForLife since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. But the battle to end abortion in our land is far from over. Here is why:

1). Abortion is Still Legal in All 50 States

You may have heard from pro-life news outlets that abortion is banned in a dozen or more red states. But all of these states have laws saying that officials cannot prosecute mothers who have abortions, even if they willfully and intentionally murder their preborn babies.

2). Women Are Not “Second Victims”.

You may have also heard that women are “second victims” of a culture of death telling them to murder their babies, or that they are “second victims” of parents or boyfriends pressuring them to abort. There are certainly women who are in abusive situations and deserve our compassion. But we have also seen women over the past few years “shout their abortions” and take abortion pills on the steps of the Supreme Court and even on live television.

We actually infantilize women by suggesting they have no idea what they are doing when they willingly take part in abortion. Even worse, we hold them back from the grace of God and the salvation found in Christ. If they are innocent victims of abortion, how could they need forgiveness for their abortions?

3). Self-Managed Abortion is on the Rise

Because of laws which allow women to murder their babies with immunity and impunity, demand for self-managed abortion pills is on the rise. Even though surgical abortion mills may be closed, women can still order poison pills through the mail to murder their babies. Some of the states with the most rapid increases in abortion pill orders are red states like Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, where pro-life lawmakers and their lobbyist allies insist that abortion has been officially banned.

4). The Pro-Life Movement is the Problem

Elected officials and lobbying groups in the pro-life movement are actually the reason abortion remains legal for women in every red state. Every time Christians try to introduce and advance bills to abolish abortion entirely, even in states with Republican pro-life supermajorities where the abortion lobby has no power, pro-life lawmakers are always the ones who kill these bills.

5). Jesus is the Death Kneel to Abortion

Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead for men and women who have taken part in murdering preborn children. If you have participated in an abortion, repent of your sins and trust in him! Western nations submitted to Christ once abolished child sacrifice in history. Only the departure from Christ has led to the return of child sacrifice. Only by the return to Christ can we vanquish child sacrifice once more.


Thank you for reading this. Please share this with other #MarchForLife attendees. If you want to see more paradigm-shifting information about abortion and equal protection for the preborn after Roe, you should check out these resources:

Videos: The Fatal Flaw, Abortion is Still Legal in All 50 States, Abortion Free
