The annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention took place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week in New Orleans, LA. We were in attendance and wanted to do a special edition of Abolition News to cover the highlights concerning abolitionism at the convention.
Abolitionists did have a resolution to submit this year, but unfortunately, due to an incorrect date listed on the resolution submission website (stating resolutions were due May 30th instead of May 29th), the resolution was not submitted in time to be considered by the resolutions committee. An effort was made to have the resolution heard and voted on. Abolitionists pastor Aaron Wright made a motion to bring the resolution to the floor, but the motion was ruled out of order.
President Election
This year there were two men running for President of the SBC. Bart Barber, who is staunchly opposed to abolition, and Mike Stone, who is supportive of abolition. Bart Barber won reelection, receiving 68% of the votes. Abolitionist Dusty Devers was nominated for 1st Vice President, but did not receive enough votes to secure the position.
Questions to SBC Leaders
On Wednesday, abolitionist (as well as any other messenger) had the opportunity to ask questions of SBC entity heads as well as Seminary Presidents. Questions are limited to three minutes, therefore, only 1-2 questions are able to be asked. After the ERLC report, abolitionist Pastor Brian Gunter was able to ask ERLC President, Brent Leatherwood, if the believed women who murder their children after they are born should be criminalized. Leatherwood refused to answer the question directly.
Abolitionist Beau Hill was able to ask Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary President, Danny Akin, his position regarding abolition. Although Dr. Akin gave a more straightforward answer than last year, he still spoke of how he is 100% pro-life.
Abolitionist pastor Richard Henry was able to ask Midwestern Baptist Seminary President, Jason Allen, his position regarding abortion abolition. Abolitionists Rising summed up the exchange well by tweeting, “Allen was more forthright than last year, but he appears to argue that women should be able to murder children with legal immunity. Allen also parrots the common but false idea that some states have outlawed abortion. Abortion is still legal for mothers in all 50 states.” It is worth nothing that in the SBC Book of Reports that is given to every messenger, the ERLC also parroted this false narrative (page 151, paragraph 5).
Abolitionist Rodney King was able to ask New Orleans Baptist Seminary President why there is a group of people allowed to murder pre-born children with impunity and President Dew stated he did not know what King was referring to.
For a summary with videos attached, please read this great twitter thread from Abolitionists Rising.
Looking Ahead
Next years SBC will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana! If you are an abolitionist in the Southern Baptist Convention, please start saving and planning to attend the convention next year!