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God’s Not Gray
God’s Not Gray: Biblical Truth in a Society of Blurred Lines tackles topics that society, and even the church, have attempted to “gray” that are clearly explained in the Bible. This book specifically covers sin, salvation, tolerance, the hook up culture, identity, and the Christian mission. You can learn more by clicking here or click here to purchase from Amazon.

So, You Think You’re Ready to Date?
So, You Think You’re Ready to Date? was updated in the summer of 2020 and lays a Biblical foundation for romantic relationships. Click here to learn more or here to purchase from Amazon.

For Unto Us
When it comes to the birth of Christ, the account is usually told in bits and pieces, and it is rare to see it all together. For Unto Us is a 15 day Christmas devotional that remedies this by tracing the birth of Jesus Christ from Old Testament prophecy to the manger. Click here to see more or here to purchase from Amazon.

The Special Wreath
The Special Wreath is a book Sarah wrote for her children. It is designed to explain the meaning of the Advent wreath and reiterate the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ! Click here to learn more or here to purchase from Amazon.

A Corn Filled Saturday

This book is loosely based off our childhood memories, and we are thrilled we were able to have an illustrator! In the book, you will join Caleb and Anna as they help their neighbors preserve their yearly corn harvest! Follow along as they assist the Armstrong family, listen to stories of the past, and learn to make corn last all winter long.
To learn more about this book or to purchase, click here.
From Yard to Ocean

One day, Sarah was planning a lesson for a local summer school on how water gets from our area to the ocean. She scoured the internet for a book to read before the lesson on the topic and really couldn’t find anything, so she wrote one!
In this book, you will join Robert the raindrop and follow his journey from Murphy, North Carolina to the Atlantic Ocean learning about different bodies of water along the way. At the end, there is an activity for you to discover how water from where you live could end up in the ocean.
Sarah cannot draw to save her life, but she found a simple design program to bring her idea to life. Click here or the image above to learn more/purchase.
Nature Activity Book for Every Season

A few years ago, Sarah was trying to find a nature based activity book for her kids. Everything she found either involved too much drawing, was over children’s heads, or involved going through the deep woods or forest , which was just not ideal for the age of her kids. So, she sat and made a list of activities she thought her children would like and turned it into a book! It has 38 total activities spread out over each season.
If you’re already sold and want to purchase, click here! To see more pictures of the inside and of all the activities, click here for the blog post.